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The world is your oyster.

Explore thousands of home rental and home exchange listings in cities large and small as well as true getaways in the countryside. You’ll find the ideal home in over 50 countries, some with the options of house sitting or home sharing. Staying in the personal comfort of another member’s place lets you experience the character of a real home. Start dreaming about your next sabbatical, research trip or extended travel!
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The SabbaticalHomes team photo taken during a video conference meeting.

Who Are We?

For scholars by scholars.

When she created in 2000, founder Nadege Conger envisioned the website as a way for scholars to connect, arrange affordable housing and find trustworthy tenants. Today, is still run by the founder and a creative team of hard-working, enthusiastic and diverse individuals.

This thriving hub of home and tenant listings is a unique resource with a trusted community. As the leading international directory for academic home rentals, home exchanges, house sitting, and home sharing opportunities, SabbaticalHomes makes it possible for Minds on the Move to live, work and stay all over the world. Most home listings are available furnished to ease the transition of relocating, going on leave or traveling. Search our website to find the perfect home or tenant!

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Academic work in Paris came through again. We rented the house for 9 weeks in the spring and five months in the fall. We have academic work in Paris in the spring and again for the fall semester of 2019 and we found profs from India for the spring and from France for the fall. The University of Paris is putting us up in the fall but we are searching for a good place from mid-March to the end of May. We have sent interest emails to several of your Paris listings. We are hopeful that something will become available.

Professor Linda Williams and Paul Fitzgerald

Berkeley University | Berkeley, CA USA

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