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Member Since 2023

Trust Score (11)
Independent Scholar or Retired Academic
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Listing Owner

Member Since 2023

Trust Score (11)
Independent Scholar or Retired Academic
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Looking for a comfortable place to call home for 14 weeks (flexible)

Tenant Looking for a Home in New South Wales, Australia
Weekly Budget: Maximum AUD $850

Looking for an Entire Home | Willing to Housesit
Tenant Timing: From December 20, 2023 until March 31, 2024


Hi my name is Tasha and I have two daughters, one of whom is coming to Sydney to look at universities and the other to train with a Sydney based soccer team. We are looking at an extended stay to feel out Sydney for a permanent relocation. I am employed by the AIA as their CPD coordinator in Tasmania and I am also a graduate architect with a past life as a tutor at Deakin University. I would love to explore research being undertaken across the universities for future professional development for our profession. Any advice or connections to local academics within the architectural community would be hugely appreciated. My daughter who is keen to study medicine would love an opportunity to make local connections too. My husband who is a registered architect will stay based in Hobart to run our practice and will visit from time to time. We are looking at a stay of approximately 2 months (up to 3) months and are seeking an affordable housesitting/short term rental for the period. We have just had confirmation that we will need to be in Sydney by 20th November so it has become somewhat urgent! If you have the capacity to assist, even for a portion of the time, it would be greatly appreciated. We have now secured accommodation until December 20 but are looking at an additional 14 weeks after that. We have attached a reference but feel free to request further references or information and do not hesitate to get in touch to ask me any questions.




Suited For

Property Type
House, Apartment or Condo, Studio or Loft, Guest House

Tenant Timing

From December 20, 2023 until March 31, 2024

Estimated Duration

14 Weeks

Comments: We are flexible with our dates however are looking at a late November arrival and late January departure. We are happy to relocate during this time if you have partial availability.

Desired Location

New South Wales, Australia

Closest University

Macquarie University

Nearby Universities

The University of Sydney

Comments: One daughter will be based at Macquarie Uni and another keen to look at unis generally for medicine. We are very flexible with location and happy to travel.

Explore the Area


  • Near Public Transportation

Tenant Budget and Terms

Maximum AUD $850 Weekly

I am fine with utilities included or not included

I am fine with or without a cleaning service

Comments: We are travelling from Hobart and due to our extended stay, are seeking the most affordable option we can. We are clean adn respectful and happy to provide references.


I prefer smoking not allowed in the home

I would like a car if possible

Comments: Having a car or access to a car is not critical. We would use public transport predominately anyway.

House Sitting

I am willing to housesit

Yes, I can help with pets

We are happy to look after any pets and have a retired vet in the family on call if required

Yes, I can help with mail and deliveries

I will be working remotely for the duration so have the capacity to receive deliveries etc.

Yes, I can help with plants or garden

Happy to look after the garden.

Comments: My daughters are teenagers but one has a long term illness and the other is focused on sport so both are pretty quiet!






Comments: We are open to any location within about 45 mins drive of Macq Uni. The capacity to keep cool would be ideal as we are coming from Hobart where we are not used to the heat. Nearby public transport is not a must but would be great.

Tenant Details

Who's Coming?

Party of
1 Adult | 2 Children

Member Background



About Me

I am a Graduate of Architecture working in my own practice with my partner part time while also providing a CPD program for architects. In addition I am a parent to two teenage daughters and have two gorgeous dogs, a greyhound and cavoodle. We live in Tasmania with the bush only 5 minutes walk away. We mostly travel for sporting commitments but I travelled to Asia, Russia and Europe when i was young. I have studied at universities across the country and have recently toyed with idea of returning to study. I am keen to make connections with academics working in architectural practice and research. I grew up on 5 acres on the outskirts of Melbourne with a menagerie so am well versed in looking after animals if needed.


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Listing Owner

Member Since 2023

Trust Score (11)
Independent Scholar or Retired Academic
Connected Member

Listing Owner

Member Since 2023

Trust Score (11)
Independent Scholar or Retired Academic
Connected Member
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