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About SabbaticalHomes


SabbaticalHomes provides a worldwide listing service for Minds on the Move that need to find housing/tenants or want to offer temporary accommodations.

Members can post their property for home rental, exchange, house sitting and/or home sharing and can also create tenant listings with or without home sharing and house sitting. SabbaticalHomes fees are listed in USD (the equivalent amount can be paid in other currencies):

  • ome Listing Fees range from USD $60 to $150 annually
  • Tenant Listing Fees range from USD $20 to $30 annually
  • A Made-a-Match Fee of USD $50 is due for both members for each match found on the website

Because our service is a directory for like-minded people to find a match, each member establishes his or her own listing price. Members searching for a home or tenant will contact the listing through Messages on our website, and will continue communicating on until they are fairly certain it is a good fit. At that point, the two members will exchange contact information and do a chemistry check. Assuming that goes well, checking references is the next key part of the process before members agreeing to terms in a contract. Rental payments are made directly between members.

Learn more about the SabbaticalHomes team.

Our Unique Mission

Our mission is to provide a temporary housing resource for all academics, researchers, writers, artists and Minds on the Move to do their work around the globe. Most listings are people's homes that would be temporarily vacant otherwise.

We are proud to have created a respectful community with strong connections between people from different countries and cultures. We support scholars at all stages of their careers, from grad students and postdocs to retired academics.

What Do We offer?

Members can post their property for home rental, exchange, sitting and/or sharing and can also register as a potential tenant and/or house sitter. For all of these services offered, independent arrangements are made between members.

Learn more about all of our types of listings:

Is This For You?

While you do not have to be an academic to use our site, we do cater to an academic community. Helping academics, scholars, writers, artists, and friends find home matches across the globe is our goal. Whether it is for sabbaticals, academic research, writing retreats, relocations, or time-off travel, we provide people a way to find and offer temporary homes around the world.

Click here to see if you qualify as an academic or how to register if you are retired, etc.