
Connecting me to like minded people

A family of five, small children, enjoyed their stay, loved my neighbors, and enjoyed the vegetables in the garden. In fact they liked the situation so much they decided to move to my city, This is a plus plus and I am delighted to work with such a wonderful family. I cannot imagine another service connecting me to like minded people. The professional growth of Academic professionals depends on working with colleagues and students on other campuses. We are a unique culture in this way. However, in order for this to work we frequently need to carefully provide for our partners and children. Comfort, safety, and a healthy environment is critical, therefore, Sabbaticalhomes.com provides an essential professional service. With no offense to AirBNB, academic faculty require a stable and secure accommodations that offer peace of mind. As I tell my friends, with Sabbaticalhomes.com you know who you are working with, and you know where to find them if there is a need for follow up.


Judith Mitoma, Emerita Professor


University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | Los Angeles, CA, USA


November 16, 2015

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